Currently browsing Posts Published October 2012

Amy’s Composition ‘The Driving Force’ performed in Beijing

Talented multi-instrumental group Three Shades Black, performed Amy’s composition ‘The Driving Force’, in a series of concerts in Beijing. The concerts, entitled Moving Scores combined experimental film and live orchestral performance, creating visual scores for ordinary things. A full house packed into Mao Live House, the hottest live music venue and punk club in town.

Contemporary musicians teamed up with local and international artists for the show, resulting in compelling soundscapes paired with often breathtaking imagery.

Languid strings, tinkering music boxes, and even kissy sounds were used to great effect, and though the visual aspect was sometimes self indulgent, and some might find the accompanying music to have been quite jarring, there were some beautiful moments.

3 Shades Black in performance Cubular Oceans

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